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About the ongoing help we are providing in Moldova

During April 2012, we received a request from Igor Nichisov, representing a group in Balti / Bălți in the Republic of Moldova, which helps people in poverty.

Republic of Moldova

Moldova, which has a border with Romania, is reported to be the poorest country in europe.

Our response

We have agreed to give Igor at least £60 per month. to assist with funding these projects, as he see fit.


Since we started helping in Moldova, transport has been a problem for the charity workers we're backing in Moldova. During our 2015 trip, we bought them this car.


We paid £1686 during 2017.

Cold winters

The weather is cold during winters, which causes additional hardships for people living there. Click on the thermometer to see the latest weather forecast for Beltsy.


We paid £1155 during 2018.

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